Buddy Time!

Welcome to our first blog! P5/6/7 are very excited to be blogging about their learning.  

Here we are with our buddies, listening to their wonderful reading.  We have enjoyed getting to know our new P1's and think they will love our school.  

The children enjoy pairing up with their buddies.

Tyler and Leon sharing their learning!

Abi and Riley are working hard!

Erin and Ava enjoy reading a book together.

Mirin and Mia share a funny story together.

Chloe, Emily and Sophie love practising Jolly Phonics

John Paul and Carter make a great double act!

Aidan and Cruz discuss new P1 words.

Isabella, Rhiannon and Jessica play a word game.

Nikole and Adam enjoy playing a multiplication game. Very challenging!

Zack and Shaun are trying to calculate mentally!


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